People for Bikes
People for BikesPeople for Bikes

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Washington DC

PeopleForBikes Work in Washington DC


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From Bloomington, Indiana to Portland, Oregon (pictured above), protected bike lanes of all shapes and sizes transformed U.S. communities in 2022. (Photo Credit: David Evans and Associates, Inc.)
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Girls in Gear is one of this year's 11 grantees.
Green lane
Young kid on first bike smiling at camera
1st Street Cycle Track
Young kid on first bike smiling at camera
John Stokes, director of risk management for The Jefferson hotel, on M Street before bike improvements.
Pennsylvania Avenue uses a combination of buffered and protected bike lanes. Photo: Stewart Eastep.
Riding in DC’s protected bike lane on 15th Street. Photo: Stewart Eastep.
Paved bike lane with rider looking down
Woman pausing on country ride watching golden hour sunset
The 10 top-scoring cities in the new PlacesForBikes city rating system.
PeopleForBikes Congressional Bike Fest
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Biking in Colorado.
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Bike-oriented image
Washington, D.C. native John Shackelford is biking the 1,114 miles of the Underground Railroad.
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P.O. Box 2349
Boulder, CO 80306

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